Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Testing Strategy And Plan (complete)

I will test my quiz to make sure it works while I create it. I will also test it after I have finished coding to make sure it works fully as planned. I shall do the testing myself but I shall also ask Amirali

to test certain parts of it. I shall be a test buddy for Amirali

Here are the tests:-

Test 1:  The program must have clear instructions for the user.

Test 2: The program must be error-free


Test 3: The program must have meaningful variables.

Test 4: The program must be documented well in the blog so that I can come back to it at a later date to make alterations to it if needed.


Test 5: The quiz has to be generated in question number order.


Test 6: The program has to keep a score of all the correctly answered questions.


Test 7: The program must have an introduction that welcomes the user.


Test 8: The program must have meaningful questions and answers.


Test 9: The program must have a game over screen.

Test 10: The program must have a end of quiz screen.

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